Smart Ways to Boost your Mental Health as you Age

Aging is a natural part of human life. Though we tend to focus more on our physical health, it is also important to take care of our minds as we age. Good mental health is an important part of healthy ageing. Being mentally well lifts your mood, promotes resilience in difficult situations and helps you get the most out of life. Here are a few ways to help you maintain a good mental state.

1. Surround yourself with positive people

You have complete control over the kind of people you allow in your life. Connection with others, whether that be with family, friends, or the community, is vital for your mental wellbeing at any age. Being with positive people brings out the best in you and gives the mental strength you need. When you develop meaningful connections and healthy relationships it can raise your self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Maintaining these connections is one of the most effective ways to keep your spirits high and your mind busy and engaged while staying optimistic.

2. Be physically active and Eat healthy

Take good care of your body. An active, healthy body is critical in maintaining an active, healthy mind. Eating a balanced, healthy diet, and enjoying physical activity such as a 45–minute walk is a key way to maximize brain function and improve overall health. In fact, eating right and exercising can help maintain good mental health. It’s easier to feel happy if your body feels good.

3. Find some time to destress
Everyone experiences stress. Pay attention to what makes you stressed, where you feel it in your body, and how you react to it. This will help you to better manage your stress and prevent long–term damage to our bodies and mind.  Relaxation breathing, yoga or meditation can help. Spend some time to embrace a hobby like painting, sewing or any activity that you do just for fun. Regardless of your choice, find something that can help effectively calm your nerves and reduce stress.


Getting older is inevitable and having good mental health helps you enjoy life and cope with problems. It contributes greatly to an overall feeling of well-being. Aging gracefully is more about being healthy and happy. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, surround yourself with people you love, and do things that bring you joy. And if you’re worried about your health and aging, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

6 Simple Actions to Jumpstart your Health

Do you have health goals but are unsure how to start? Here are 6 Simple Actions to Jumpstart your Health…

1. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water every day – Our body is composed of about 60% water. Drinking enough water keeps your body healthy and reduces the possibility of dehydration.

2. Add more veggies to your meals – Veggies contain some of the most vital nutrients for our health. Eating more veggies can improve nutrition, helps you lose weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

3. Choose fruits for a dessert – Fresh fruits are good option for dessert. Same with veggies, fruits are better for your health providing our bodies with vitamins and minerals. Fruits are high in fiber which helps keep you fit and healthy. Eat more fruit and you just may live a longer and healthier life.

4. Limit the amount of salt you consume – Salt is the main source of sodium and most people consume too much of it. Excessive salt intake can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Limit your sodium intake to no more than 2300 mgs a day.⠀

5. Try to get 8 hours of sleep – Adults should get between 7 and nine hours of sleep each night.  Having enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-being.

6. Exercise – Exercise is important in our daily lives. It increases your energy levels and enhances your immune system. Even taking a 10-minute walk will give you a natural energy boost.

Which one of these will you do more?



Good Night Sleep


How many hours of sleep 😴 are you getting every night?

Good health encompasses many different habits and routines outside of what you eat. Adequate sleep is one of the subject matters I teach about the most, after nutrition and stress.

The body and mind literally becomes your slave if you’ve had a good night’s sleep of at least 7 hrs, performing at all kinds of higher levels. During sleep is when the body repairs, the mind restores, organs heals and systems replenish what was depleted.

When you don’t get enough sleep:

1. Your immune system is weakened
2. It can lead to issues with your memory & decision making
3. It can reduce your sex drive

4. It promotes disease by diminishing the body’s ability to restore and repair it’s tissues and organs.

Getting adequate sleep helps:

1. The body repairs itself
2. The mind restores itself
3. Organs heal & systems replenish what was depleted

It’s important to do your best to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. So, make it a daily routine to get an adequate good night’s sleep…


5 Simple Things You can Do at home to Improve Wellness

There is so much noise and chaos going on in the world today. Make sure you are taking time away to care for yourself during this time.

Here are 5 simple things you can do at home to practice Self-Care and Improve your Wellness:

1. Spend some time with God and journal what you are grateful for.

2. Limit your time online – Reading all of the posts and news updates online can bring about anxiety. Minimize how much information you are taking in. Find something positive to watch or read that brings about laughter or happiness.

3. Exercise – If you need some at-home workouts YouTube is your best friend. They have endless videos on cardio, yoga, dancing, etc. There are also several fitness instructors hosting classes via Livestream.

4. Read or listen to an audiobook – There is nothing like cozying up in a nice blanket and reading a good book. Find something that excites you and that you won’t want to put down.

5. Embrace a hobby – Now is the time to do more of that thing you do just for fun. You know that thing you haven’t had time to do anymore because of life. Get back to writing, sewing, painting, beading, knitting, etc. The options are endless, get creative!




10 Self-Care Ideas for a Bad Day


1. Do something to laugh – laughing is a good stress-reliever and can increase your overall sense of well-being.
2. Plan a getaway – taking vacations can help keep your mind calm. It can also improve your health, relationships, and job performance. You are better equipped to handle whatever comes when you take the time to get away from the stresses of work and daily life.
3. Have a night with friends – we all need somebody to lean on and your friends can help you during tough times. Friends are there to listen and give you advice.
4. Go out in the sunshine – Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin”. Sunlight has a lot of health benefits such as improving mood, brain function, stronger bones, and a healthier immune system.
5. Get a massage – getting a body massage can relieve anxiety, help boost focus and promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being.
6. Drink herbal tea – Teas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It makes your body healthy but also helps in relaxing, recovery and refreshing your mind.
7. Do a brain dump – a brain dump is an easy way to manage the clutter in your mind. All you need is a pen and paper. A brain dump is a quick way to instantly reduce stress or anxiety.
8. Buy yourself flowers – Studies show that the smell of fresh flowers is a powerful mood booster and also lowers your stress level.
9. Journal – Research has shown that the emotional release from journaling lowers stress, anxiety, and induces better sleep.
10. Exercise – doing exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It builds strength, boosts energy, prevents health problems and helps reduce stress. 


Walking Mistakes to Avoid


1. Don’t just keep the same pace and walk in the same way.

Vary it up a bit. Walk at a normal pace, a bit faster, a bit slower, up a small hill, on a decline, sideways and backward. This will also make your walk just a bit more fun!

2. Vary your walking route.

If you stick to the same route, over time your body adapts and it won’t be as challenging. To boost weight-loss (and keep things exciting) change your scenery a couple of times a week. You can walk around your neighborhood, at a park, on a trail, or on the track of a nearby high school. A different terrain also engages different muscle groups to burn more calories.

3. Combine strength training with your walking routine.

Lifting small dumbbells, doing leg lifts, or even wall pushups help to build muscle which in return burns more calories. Strength training can help you build up your core, glutes and hip strength so that you can walk further and faster.

4. Be sure and use good form when walking.

Poor walking technique slows your pace, causing you to tire more quickly, and potentially results in injury. Since this can affect how far and long you are able to walk (or keep you from walking altogether), improving your form is essential to losing weight.

a. Be mindful of your stride length meaning don’t take too large of a step. To check your stride length, lift a foot and lean forward. Where the foot naturally falls is where you should be striking your ground.

b. Swinging your arms helps you get more power and propels your forward motion

c. Stand straight. Slouching as you get tired is a common problem when walking. While you might need to strengthen your core to make this happen, work on keeping your back straight and your head up.

If you haven’t started a daily “moving” routine, lace em’ up and hit the pavement before the new year rolls in!

8 Natural Remedies for Headache Relief


Want to know what kind of headache you have that’s making you feel like staying in bed all day and some natural remedies to treat them?

Check out these 8 Natural Remedies the next time your head is pounding.

1. Drink water – Inadequate hydration may bring on a headache so make sure you are drinking water every half hour.

2. Take Some Magnesium -Research shows that magnesium can help and treat headaches. It can also help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

3. Avoid Alcohol – Alcohol contains a chemical called histamine that spurs the immune system to make more. This will boosts inflammation throughout your body. Alcohol’s main ingredient is a chemical called ethanol. Once it gets into your system, it is converted into a chemical that triggers migraine attacks.

4. Get Adequate Sleep – It is recommended for adults to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. Lack of sleep is generally known to trigger headaches in some people.

5. Avoid Foods High in Histamine – Foods high in histamine are smoked products like sausage and ham; alcohol and dairy products can trigger headaches.

6. Use Essential Oils – Peppermint oil applied to the temple and massaged or lavender applied to the upper lip and inhaled, can calm the pain.

7. Try a B-Complex Vitamin – Studies have shown that taking adequate vitamin B can reduce the frequency of migraines. This vitamin plays an important role in boosting energy production inside nerve cells.

8. Soothe Pain with a Cold Compress – Apply the ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes. Cold therapy can help reduce the pain and discomfort from headaches.

Walk into Good Health!

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

Walk in place – Stand up from your chair and get to it. Anyone can do this one, you are in control of the intensity based on the pace you choose. For a bigger challenge? Bring your knees up to waist level.

Take a walk break – Schedule 10-15 minutes a day to just walk. See how many steps you can get on your fitness tracker. If it’s nice outside, go get some fresh air. Put it on your calendar to make sure it happens. Better yet, find someone to go with you and hold each other accountable.

Park farther away – At work or the grocery store, park further than usual and to help you get those extra steps in your day.

Take the stairs – Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs instead. The stairs are a great way to increase your heart rate and tone up those legs.

6 Ways to Get More Energy

6 Ways to Get More Energy:

1.  Get more sleep. The lack of sleep can result in you feeling lethargic, grumpy and tired. If you often feel this way, you may want to consider whether you’re getting enough sleep.

2. Stay hydrated. Dehydration can affect your brain function, mood, and energy levels. So drink enough water throughout the day.

3. Eat a nutritious diet. Choosing whole, nutritious foods most of the time will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

4. Get more exercise. having exercise will ultimately increase your energy. Even taking a 10-minute walk will give you a natural energy boost.

5. Stop bad habits like smoking and drinking. These two habits can make you tired and unhealthy and can deplete your energy during the day.

6. Take enough vitamin B12. Also known as the “energy vitamin”. B12 is the most complex of all vitamins and is one of the best vitamins to boost energy. It supports energy production and keeps blood cells happy and healthy.

Complaining and Mental Health


Did you know that complaining and constantly seeing the worst in everything has a negative impact on brain function? While it may seem harmless to air your frustrations, consistently vocalizing negative sentiments may become a subconscious habit leading to some overall harmful consequences for your health. Read more >