Whats your ideal caloric intake? It’s your preferred body weight x 10 plus 30% if you exercise daily. For women its between 1000-1600.
To shed weight you must reduce your calories or exercise more. A negative balance forces your body to burn its reserve fuel which is fat. Muscles are the body’s furnace, where fat is burned.That’s why men can eat more yet lose weight faster. They have more muscle mass than women.
What’s basal metabolic rate (BMR)? The rate at which your body burns calories used for vital body functions if you stayed in bed all day. It’s the minimum calories needed. You eat more than this and your body will deposit the excess calories as fat. You eat less, your body uses fat for energy and you shed pounds.Search an online BMR calculator to find your number.
Calories consumed above that number get stored as fat unless you exercise which burns excess calories above your BMR. Example: Your BMR is 1400. You eat burger,fries and drink at 830 calories, latte at 500, can of soda at 139, and a candy bar at 237. You’re at 1700 calories and we haven’t added breakfast, dinner, snacks and drinks. This would easily add 1000+ calories making your intake 2700. The body will only burn 1400 calories for what it needs, leaving 1300 excess calories that will be stored as fat. Over time this surplus becomes unwanted pounds.
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