The Negative Effects of White Sugar on the Body


The effects of sugar can’t be repeated or read enough. Sugar is, by far, the single most deadliest, addictive drug a non-drug user will ever consume, and the bad part is that sugar is really habit forming. How many of you at one time in your life or at this moment have said, “I’m addicted to sugar” or “I’m addicted to carbs,” (which you know turns into sugar)? What do you need to know about this drug that may give you the willpower to say no to sugar more often than you do? What can help you reduce your consumption in half by the time you finish reading this article?

A few facts:

• In 1997 Americans ate 7.3 Billion lbs of candy. Today that number has skyrocketed to a record 21 Billion lbs of candy.

•In 1915 the average sugar consumption per year, per person was 20 lbs. Today it’s a whopping 200 lbs per person PLUS 60 lbs of corn syrup!

•White refined sugar is not a food. It’s a pure chemical, extracted from plant sources, purer in fact than cocaine, which is why refined sugar so addictive.

Refined sugar, which is found in candy, pastries, cookies, cereals, and most processed food, is void of ALL nutrients, has NO Fiber, NO Minerals, NO Proteins, NO Fats, NO Enzymes, NOTHING! Eating refined sugar is the equivalent of you eating a piece of cardboard which also has no nutritional value for the body at all.

The average healthy digestive system can only digest and eliminate 6 teaspoons of sugar per day without noticeable problems. That’s only 24 grams per day. To put this in perspective, a 12 ounce soda contains 44 grams of sugar!

An over-consumption of sugar causes a high acidity level in the body. High acidity can result in Cancer. Cancer loves an acidic body and tumors feed off of Sugar. Did you read that clearly? Tumors FEED off of sugar and statistically 2 out of 5 people have Cancer.

Diabetes is a disease that is caused by excess sugar consumption and the failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin when the blood sugar rises. When a concentrated amount of the white stuff gets into the bloodstream, it causes the body to go into shock. The pancreas ultimately wears down from being overworked and diabetes will then show its deadly face.

An article in the British Medical Journal, entitled The Sweet Road to Gallstones, reported that “refined sugar is one of the major dietary factors in gallstone disease. Sugar can upset all of the minerals, and one of the minerals, calcium, can become non-functioning, depositing itself anywhere in the body, including the gallbladder.”

Another issue that has become an issue in our schools is an increase in ADHD. An over consumption of sugar can cause various levels of mental problems. Think about this – when you are depressed or need a pick me up and reach for a donut or soda, don’t you feel an almost instant change in your mental state? I’m sure your answer is Yes. This demonstrates the affect sugar can have on our brain. Most youth, by the time their first class starts, have already consumed two days of their sugar allowance between sugary cereals, processed juice, pastries, jelly and the likes.

Dr. A. Schauss wrote a book called Diet, Crime and Delinquency, discussing how prison inmates are “sugaraholics” and that erratic outbreaks often followed a sugar binge. Although this is Sugar Season, if reducing the consumption of sugar in our children will lead to better grades and more focus, this is something that all households need to begin adopting.

We can no longer eat for taste but must eat for life!

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